Sunday, March 2, 2008

My interview went about as well as a fake interview can be expected. I tried to remain calm and focus on speaking like a normal human and not a prepared robot. Since this wasn't a real interview, I didn't have to actually know anything about the law school that I was applying to, but I have a feeling that I should get to work on that. There will be some tough questions in future interviews that are not going to go well if I have no clue what the basic facts are. I did have a memorized question that worked pretty well, but I'm trying to stay away from the memorizing because it doesn't tend to go well under pressure. Maybe just knowing some topics I could ask about would be better. I showed that I was doing my research by talking about another law school, and I think that will work as long as I don't spin it as I'm choosing between the two of you and why should I pick you. All in all, I really hate interviews and I hope I can skate through life with only a few more. If not, at least I won't completely bomb those that I'm forced to attend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I could tell you it isn't something a person going on to study after a bachelor's doesn't have to do a lot of... but it really is pretty common in most fields. The good thing I can tell you is that the more you do it, the easier it gets. It becomes far more routine because you really can anticipate certain questions.