Sunday, March 30, 2008

Working Man's Blues

I've got a new job this semester and it's a great job for college students. I work at Litttlejohn for TigerPaw Productions, and it is incredible flexible. I get to choose when I want to work and what type of jobs I want to do. So far I've learned how to take down and set up the baskets and run the lights for events. I've even got to run the giant spotlight, which was very disconcerting because for you it looks like a perfect circle, but every one else sees an oval. Tonight I just got of a shift at work, and I'm not going to lie, it was not pleasant. We had too few people and it took forever. That is on top of the fact that I have already worked 40 hours this week and have two papers due tomorrow. Work usually doesn't stress me out, but at the end of the week when you have other things to do you just want to get it done and get out. I thought I had managed my time well, but I didn't figure on having to work late tonight, so now I've got to run and finish my portfolio for class on Monday and write an Italian paper.

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